Amble - Chollerford

A review of a couple of days out in 2016
1MixNov16  The Coquet estuary at Amble looking across to Warkworth Castle. May 2016 2MixNov16  Amble Harbour 3MixNov16  With tide out the "Seahunter" sitting in the mud 4MixNov16  The Staithes at Amble harbour
5MixNov16  Northumbrian "Cobles" in Amble harbour 6MixNov16  Pods, small shops for local entertprises at Amble harbour 7MixNov16  Another look at the small business Pods 8MixNov16  On our way to amble we went down onto the beach at Hauxley. there was a sea fret coming in from the North Sea
9MixNov16  The bridge at Chollerford spanning the River North Tyne. October 2016 10MixNov16  In the grounds of the George Hotel at Chollerford 11MixNov16  Chess set in the George Hotel grounds at Chollerford 12MixNov16  Just up the road from the "George" is the Roman Fort at Chesters. This is the Bathhouse
13MixNov16  In the care of "English Heritage" more of the Roman remains at Chester Fort 14MixNov16  The River North Tyne below the bathhouse at Chesters Fort 15MixNov16  A Sunday morning spin in the River North Tyne 16MoxNov16  Below Chesters the river makes it's way towards Hexham
17MixNov16  A homemade cake and a coffee to keep the "album maker" going